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EVA TRALALA Ladies Linen Clothing for Winter Holidays

/ Posted By Viv Allinson / Share:

Here at vivi-direct we don't pack away the summer and forget that our customers go travelling to warmer climes when the temperature falls in the Northern Hemisphere. The full compliment of lovely linen and cotton clothing is here for you to jazz up your holiday wardrobe. It's always essential to add some new purchases to freshen up the mix-and-match combinations. Amongst lots of other ladies linen styles, there is a little Eva Tralala Linen Tunic style ARIDE which is on offer at just £49.99 and which represents a whopping reduction from its original retail price of £77.50!  It comes in UK Sizes 14 to 20, and in the lovely classic shades of Black, White and Khaki. Cool chic at a great price for a French designer linen top.
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